Faye Brownlie is one of BC’s most sought after literacy and learning experts. She works in staff development in BC, nationally and internationally. A long-time advocate of improved learning for all students in inclusive settings, she fervently believes in our collective ability to make a difference for each and every learner. Faye works with students and teachers from K-12 and especially enjoys co-planning, co-teaching, and reflecting on the lessons with teams of teachers. Together we are better!
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Reading Assessment

If you a posses a site license for one of the below assessments, click the link below and be prepared to enter your username and password.

  • Dart

    District Assessment of Reading Team Grades 3-9 assessment
  • EPRA

    Early Primary Reading Assessment Grades K-2

    French Immersion Early Primary Reading Assessment Grades K-3


  • Why Formative Assessment?

    Portage and Main Press

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